Oakhaven 10
Deferred to 2024 due to weather
It is with regret that we have taken the decision to defer the Oakhaven 10 to 2024
Given the recent heavy rainfall, high winds and storms, and the long-range weather forecast, the Oakhaven events team has taken the difficult decision to postpone the Oakhaven 10, which was due to take place on Sunday 19th November.
We are incredibly disappointed that we have had to make this decision but feel that the safety of runners out on the course, the spectators who come to support them, as well as our staff and volunteers who are there to ensure the event runs smoothly, comes first. With the current and predicted weather conditions, the risks are increased.
We hope you understand our decision and will be in touch in the new year with further information regarding Oakhaven 10 2024, when we hope to reschedule.
Forest 10-mile fun run for Oakhaven Hospice
The Oakhaven 10 is a ten-mile trail run, taking in the scenic New Forest paths near Brockenhurst.
This event has evolved from the previous Oakhaven Half Marathons which took place in March for a number of years. We hope that people of all ages, abilities and fitness levels can take part.
The run starts and finishes at Roundhill Campsite, and takes a circuit through the surrounding forest areas. Marshals will be on hand to guide you along the way and offer water stations during your run.
More information about this event: Oakhaven 10 website.