Concerns and complaints
We welcome your comments and suggestions
At Oakhaven Hospice, your views are important to us, and we welcome your comments and suggestions. They help us to know what we are doing well and where we can do better.
We are focused on providing high-quality care for you and your family; however, we know that sometimes we may not always get it right. If that happens, we would like you to tell us about it as soon as possible. This will give us an opportunity to resolve issues quickly if we can, and for us to learn how we may improve our services for others.
We understand that you might feel worried about raising your concerns with us because you fear it might affect the relationships you have built with our staff. However, please be assured that any concerns raised to us are taken seriously and will be dealt with professionally and with compassion.
If you wish to raise a concern or complaint, you can do so in the following ways:
If you feel able, ideally speak to a member of staff in our team as soon as you have a concern. They will be able to document your feedback and ensure that it is directed to the right people to help support you.
Raising a concern or complaint by completing the form below. Once submitted, this will automatically be sent to our senior team to deal with your complaint.
You can access Care Opinion, which is an external tool for patients and families to leave feedback anonymously regarding their experience with a service. Care Opinion feedback to us on comments that are submitted.
Or, you can write a letter to us outlining your concern or complaint at the following address;
Tracey Cooper, Director of Quality Governance
Oakhaven Hospice
Lower Pennington Lane
SO41 8ZZ
What happens when we receive your concern or complaint?
Within a couple of working days of receiving a concern or complaint, we will contact you to acknowledge receipt and ask about how you would prefer us to contact you during our investigation process. We will offer you an opportunity to discuss your concern face to face, in more depth if you would like to do so.
We will ensure that the most appropriate people are involved in the investigation of your complaint, so we can understand fully the context of your concern.
We can take up to 20 working days to investigate your complaint and provide a full response. If for any reason we cannot meet this timeline, we will let you know and keep you up to date on the progress.
What happens if you are not happy with our response?
If we are unable to resolve the issue to your satisfaction internally, we can signpost you to the most appropriate organisations and regulators.
As a healthcare provider, we are regulated by The Care Quality Commission (CQC). However, they do not settle individual complaints but are a body that uses information that service users provide about services for inspection purposes. Contact details can be found on their website if you wish to give feedback on our services. Click here to contact The Care Quality Commission.
Other regulators include;
Charity Commission Charity Commission Complaints about charities (CC47) | GOV.UK
Fundraising Regulator Make a complaint | Fundraising Regulator
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Making a complaint | Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO)