Holistic Care in Palliative and End of Life
Learning & Research Hub

Education in palliative and end of life care for Registered Nurses and Professionals
Holistic Care in Palliative and End of Life Care Learning Session
Learning Session Date: (New Dates coming Autumn 2024)
Learning Session Time: 1.00 - 3.30
Learning Delivery: At the Coates Centre, Oakhaven Hospice, Lower Pennington Lane, Lymington SO41 8ZZ
Learning Session Fee: £40 per person (This is a non-refundable administrative charge)
Who is this Learning Session suited to? Registered Nurses and Registered Healthcare Professionals
Learning Outcomes: By the end of this learning session delegates will be enabled to:
- Identify factors which contribute to a holistic assessment
- Discuss legal and informed consent provision and relevant legislation
- Recognition of the dying phase and the appropriate End of Life care
An Oakhaven Attendance Certificate will be provided upon completion.
To reserve a place in this learning session: email education@oakhavenhospice.co.uk or telephone 01590 646445 for sign up information.
Charity Number 900215