Gift Aid is a scheme that enables UK taxpayers to enhance their charity donations.
Every time you say 'yes' to Gift Aid, each tenner you give becomes £12.50 for the charity at no extra cost to you. And if you’re a higher or additional-rate taxpayer you can later claim tax relief (which you could donate too!).

If you are in the process of completing your Self Assessment Tax Return to meet the 31st January deadline, giving to a charity such as Oakhaven Hospice Trust and supercharging that donation with Gift Aid will make a big difference to the charity - and (depending on your personal tax situation, could benefit you too.
What is Gift Aid - and how does it work?
Gift Aid means that we can claim from HMRC an additional 25p for every £1 you donate, which makes a huge difference in funding our work.
Tax relief for the charity
For example, if an individual taxpayer donates £100, the charity can reclaim an additional £25 (£100 x 20/80) from HMRC.
Tax relief for the donor
For example, an individual taxpayer donates £100 and the charity can reclaim an additional £25, giving a grossed-up donation of £125. Where the taxpayer is a 40% taxpayer, £25 (40%-20% x £125) can be reclaimed, giving a net donation cost of £75. Where the taxpayer is a 45% taxpayer, £31.25 (45%-20% x £125) can be reclaimed giving a net donation of £68.75.
What form of donation qualifies for Gift Aid?
Gift Aid applies to qualifying money donation payments, made by individuals who have made a Gift Aid declaration. Providing certain qualifying conditions are met, payments for subscriptions, memberships or sponsorship may also be Gift Aided.
Gift Aid is restricted where the donor receives a valuable benefit as a consequence of making a donation. The acceptable benefit limits are set out in the Income Tax Act 2007.
Loan repayments and refund waivers may qualify under certain circumstances.
For full information about Gift Aid, go to Gov.UK.
How to donate to Oakhaven Hospice Trust
Only around 11% of our running costs are covered by statutory NHS income. For the remaining 89% we depend on funds raised by our charity shops, by our social enterprise Oakhaven Care Limited and by the generous donations and legacies made by our supporters to help us provide specialist care and support to those who need it in our community.
Your support means that we can provide compassionate care and support to patients and their loved ones throughout the New Forest, Totton and Waterside at a time when they need it most, free of charge. Last year Oakhaven cared for 1,394 patients and their families at the hospice and in homes throughout the area - and around 3,200 people visited our Coates Centre to benefit from wellbeing support.
There are several ways to donate to Oakhaven - online or by cheque to 'The Oakhaven Trust'. Click here to find out more or simply click the donate panel below.
However you choose to get involved, you can feel good knowing you’re making a difference.