Donate tax-free to Oakhaven with Payroll Giving!
Payroll Giving - also known as ‘Give as you Earn’ - enables employees to make regular donations to a charity, such as Oakhaven Hospice, from their pay, tax-free.
Both employees and employers benefit from offering a payroll-giving scheme and research shows that donating to charity helps staff morale, mental health and general wellbeing.
For employees, Payroll Giving is an easy, convenient and flexible way to support a cause they care about. Donations are taken from gross pay after National Insurance, but before tax is calculated by the employer’s payroll department.
It is also the most tax-efficient way to give, and it costs the employee less to give more. A donation of £5 a month would effectively cost an employee £4 from their take-home pay (if they pay 20% tax) or £3 (if they pay 40% tax).
Payroll Giving is easy and free for employers to set up and run. It shows commitment and care to employees, and that the business supports a good cause.
Employers can make an even bigger difference with Matched Giving - a powerful way to encourage your employees to sign up for Payroll Giving and make employees’ charitable donations go further.
Tim Fuell, Fundraising Manager at Oakhaven Hospice, said: “We are hugely grateful to local businesses and employees throughout our New Forest, Totton and Waterside communities who donate via Payroll Giving. The scheme is easy and FREE for employers to set up and run.
“For employees, it is one of the most tax-efficient ways of giving to Oakhaven - in fact, it’s the only way for higher-rate taxpayers in the UK to pass their full tax relief to charity. Every kind donation to Oakhaven Hospice helps us provide vital specialist care for patients navigating a terminal illness and support for their loved ones, free of charge.”
As well as ten beds in its Inpatient Unit, Oakhaven cares for patients with life-limiting illnesses in their own homes - currently an average of 450 at any time. In addition, thousands of local people receive support and guidance from Oakhaven Wellbeing at the Coates Centre, following the diagnosis of a life-limiting illness, whilst caring for a loved one, and in bereavement.
Oakhaven’s running costs amount to over £8 million each year. With just 11% of funding covered by the NHS, your local hospice relies on kind donations, fundraising, gifts in wills and income from its charity shops and home care provider, Oakhaven Care Ltd, to cover the remaining 89% of costs. Payroll Giving and Matched Giving can make a huge difference, helping Oakhaven to make every moment matter.
Click here for more information about Payroll Giving, or get in touch on 01590 677773 or by email fundraising@oakhavenhospice.co.uk
Care for a Cuppa
Could you host a coffee morning or tea party to help raise funds for Oakhaven Hospice?
The Oakhaven Walk
Register now for our 26/14/8 mile walk on Saturday 17th May and help us raise vital funds!